0 Unknown,
Corona, CA 92881
已成交 成交價: $3.5萬 成交日期: 2024年10月16日
卧室: -- 浴室: -- / 土地


41818 平方英呎

地產編號: PW24058357
所處郡縣: RI
面積單價:$0.84/sq.ft ($9 / 平方米)

For directions to the location of this landlocked lot 33.8331291815815-117.501571454371 There maybe a lack of access to and from said land no grant of dedication of an access easement has been found of record. All buyers, agents, brokers MUST verify all information for accuracy and complete. ALL due diligence must be done by buyer. We are not responsible for inaccurate information provided in the MLS or other Syndicated sites.
